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[经验感悟] 约稿:油砂简介_Brief Introduction to Oil Sands - Dr. Gu, Guoxing

鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-7 17:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
老顾在石油工业工作多年, 现为Material Processing Canada International Inc.的Vice President兼CTO(Chief Technical Officer).
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:31 | 显示全部楼层
Edmonton China 让我给新移民介绍一下油砂技术,  这让我很为难, 因为网站
6 V; D  q! M: O- Q0 nhttp://www.edmontonchina.cn/view ... 35878&highlight9 l# z9 @/ R: i
上的<<今天化工小组聚会的讲稿>>  已经做了全面的介绍, 在此我只做一些补充.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:32 | 显示全部楼层
一、        油砂的分类与分级
9 j/ \6 D1 `. c/ j7 c* y* p表面性质分类:油砂分为油性油砂(oil wettable) 和水性油砂 (water wettable)。美国、内蒙和外蒙的油砂属于油性油砂。加拿大阿尔泊塔省的油砂基本是水性油砂。中国的新疆也有一些水性油砂。从目前的技术水平来看,只有水性油砂具有开采价值。可以用温水及适当的化学药剂把油从油砂表面上洗下来. # Y' \- B( f; T" ~
* j. O4 j+ h; a9 X$ D+ q
开采方式分类: 可表面开采油砂 (surface mineable) 和深层开采油砂(in-situ). 表面开采要求油砂层在地表100米以内,与露天煤矿采煤相同. 100米以下就必须用深层油砂开采技术, 较为成熟的技术是CSS (cyclic steam stimulation) 和 SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage).  
( `; K2 \! ]( ]- S. M5 H" {3 l# ]0 ?' Q( g3 w/ A. I/ Z" y6 V
Alberta油砂的总储量为1.7万亿桶, 其中只有10%目前具有可开采价值, 主要分布在三个地区: Fort McMurray的Athabasca, Peace River和Cold Lake。Athabasca Oil Sands(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athabasca_Tar_Sands) 是最大的一块, 基本都可表面开采, 另外两块需用in-situ 技术.  以下是可开采油砂在加拿大的分布概况.
4 N6 ?8 o0 k% @1 q
3 f# b/ g! a% i; [  S+ FLocation Reference Billion Barrels
. q1 F" H! q1 M+ z: [* ~3 _Location in Canada           Billion barrels* p1 n" k5 _- T+ U9 {/ g
B.C.                                              0.146 E5 D: m% O- [  P0 V' \/ k$ h% g) Q
Alberta                                      175.30
# o8 G6 p5 e# Z+ {) QSaskatchewan                              1.18. u: m; ^" m. J3 t8 S$ c
Manitoba                                       0.02# ]; e, F8 K( O% R
Ontario                                          0.01
' _/ D& K! g, a3 [East Coast Offshore                     0.87" U- l8 x: z( u( B: P$ {: _! Z3 L7 C
Mainland Territories                     0.04$ Y( \0 F6 V! ?% W
Mackenzie / Beaufort                   0.34
( h4 J, n5 q' h4 h* P+ c/ n, j; jTotal Canada                           177.90' q+ d9 x( P3 J% {0 f

# D* p* E1 S3 e3 P1 G3 a  R! ?0 y2 I+ [7 h4 u& T
有关油砂的详情, 请参阅 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_sands; E6 j1 T2 u+ ]8 ]

: X- v9 S; [( Y2 D, x! s( L品位分级:  (重量百分数)& U+ h& H* ^1 M; B: i9 P: z4 U* b
高品位: 10-16%;
1 h# I$ ]- f4 X) F中品位: 6-9%;
# a( f9 u. k3 x( z* m3 H低品位: <6%. 4 r5 ~" ]8 A: i, N4 M6 V( T% O& P/ c
目前, 从经济方面讲, 低品位的油砂还无法单独开采. 问题出在油与砂的分离. 现行的做法是将高品位和中品位的油砂按1:1的比例混合成约10%的混合物.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:32 | 显示全部楼层
老杨团队 追求完美
二、        全球石油资源分布$ _' m; K% x! S2 |+ K

" M* y& ~' F2 @+ e' V全球石油储量包含常规石油(Conventional oil), 油砂(Oil sands)和油页岩(Oil shale).5 F0 N* ]8 a5 E* H/ k% {

9 x+ M5 A- s+ f& W: j. s全球已探明常规石油储量(2005 年底) (不含油砂和油页岩)
: u. N4 ?1 e3 E! p" B/ c2 W, Chttp://www.bp.com/multipleimages ... p;contentId=7021619% G! Z; }# Y* n1 H0 {( ]

" r# o- p; r. _) d! \Location in the world      Billion barrels  @' a" t( b9 \# H. e
Asia Pacific                                  40.23 }; E9 }& M# I
North America                             59.5. _+ C; n. \6 K$ J7 W6 D( f
South & Central America           103.5( v/ ^8 C, f3 I: ?, i
Africa                                          114.3
2 }! P9 v9 J- S* GEurope & Eurasia                       140.5
& ~& ^2 |: Z# u: A! C) zMiddle East                                742.7  h8 {/ C9 C' _5 f0 P
' Y! c1 m: S3 W' t
Total                                         1200.7' {  \2 t- ?. z6 u7 s

% U# {8 w) M1 Y
2 ^' A7 }* ]  i  N1 R" ]全球已探明页岩油储量(2002年) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_shale)
! `7 H' i, M6 D2 Y2 a! `. m
: f# e2 {" u% Q2 GLocation in the world      Billion barrels7 a1 q( {3 R5 a8 G
Africa                                 159.2
7 g- Z% U2 [; tAsia                                      45.9 ( a  W( f! P# w" O& _. O8 J
Europe                               368.2! x) S' L$ p8 c: w: B
Middle East                         38.2. q( V5 w2 t* r( k* K
North America               2,602.5
" y* v6 y& o" d8 DOceania                                31.7
/ S7 r/ }; d9 \South America                    82.4
  ^8 Z4 A: M+ M* k5 K* b
/ u) B% T/ t! ?0 g3 z" fTotal                               3328.1
. r) o- K- Q/ m, ~/ A' n
( M5 p3 ^  w3 ~0 f3 [7 H/ O* n全球已探明油砂储量(2002年) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tar_sands)
% n5 H+ B8 @! _7 W. N: C& c! G+ ?+ n) I7 l0 I
Location in the world      Billion barrels* i( d; ^5 w' a7 v! ]1 B
Canada                                 1,800
$ ?( [4 s) L$ _Venezuela                            1,800
! W/ n& ?% q  B+ m, p% h6 TUnited States                           32
  {" X1 }1 n6 s/ Q0 ^
# f6 j; C: U' Q% C" w/ ETotal                                   3,632
- U+ G( b- ?8 a& X# D4 |$ Q3 L+ T, o

! w4 d6 t( `0 N, @2 H5 v9 [加拿大(主要在Alberta)和委内瑞拉的油砂的总储量各为1.8万亿桶 (1800 Billion barrels), 是中东常规石油储量(742.7 Billion barrels) 的 2.4 倍.  北美(主要在美国)的页岩油储量(2,602.5 Billion barrels) 是中东常规石油储量(742.7 Billion barrels) 的 3.5 倍. 可见, 美国(油页岩)、加拿大(油砂)和委内瑞拉(超稠油)是石油资源最丰富的国家, 三国石油资源总和占全球石油资源总和的76%.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:33 | 显示全部楼层
三、        油砂的开采与处理工艺+ i* y3 g! l3 i2 y$ Y

, H3 p2 a( n* u+ a$ x, I; k表面开采与处理工艺
4 Q: `* R) t0 y# B                    
6 w" |, R( L: C- O, a采矿 (Mining) --&#61664; 萃取分离(Extraction) --&#61664;提炼(Upgrading) --&#61664; 精炼(Refining)
9 k6 m& f" ^6 j- B" U# A/ ]                    ! c6 T# y: J; ~1 L( b$ t& K
Fort McMurray的三巨头Syncrude,Suncor和Albian Sands 在采矿、提炼和精炼工艺上基本相同,但在Extraction 上有很大区别。Syncrude和Suncor 都用Naphtha (石脑油) 做有机稀释剂来降低沥青的粘度以提高分离效果,但 Syncrude 以离心分离(Centrifuge)为主,斜板分离(IPS)为辅;Suncor 以斜板分离为主,离心(Centrifuge)和旋流(Hydrocyclone)分离为辅。 Albian Sands 则用逆相萃取,以Pentane + Hexane (戊烷和己烷)为有机稀释剂来降低沥青的粘度以提高分离效果。三公司的网站如下:
" G: W8 S: W- |+ F, v" H+ V' Y0 n
1 g2 n. G- j- z  T2 }, Vhttp://www.syncrude.ca1 H$ T" T) ?: t. e; r
http://www.suncor.com7 P; O, V  Z& C1 t
http://www.albiansands.ca 8 U8 [; S& O. N( v8 K. y

" |: e& w8 p' x( J* \# D
7 F4 K5 V  R0 u& e& i深层开采与处理工艺
6 g4 S: D. I: a7 j, r0 D/ a+ K" N* i1 z1 c" c5 Y7 p0 L
钻井 (Drilling) --&#61664; 注蒸气(Steam Injection) --&#61664;抽提(Pumping) --&#61664; 分离(Separation) --&#61664;提炼(Upgrading) --&#61664; 精炼(Refining) 7 Z" s, s+ {$ ]! Z- n

4 ^4 v1 T6 Y. u" s! m# O/ i各公司都采用CSS (cyclic steam stimulation) 和 SAGD (Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage).  如: EnCana 和 CRNL.  CSS 和SAGD的主要差别在钻井和注气, 两者对钻井和注气有着完全不同的要求. (http://www.oilsandsdiscovery.com/oil_sands_story/pdfs/insitu.pdf
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:33 | 显示全部楼层
四、        油砂的开采成本
" [( v  M% ?+ x* C: }  D+ C4 w3 n4 V2 P
加拿大能源委员会(National Energy Board of Canada) 在2006年中期对油砂的开采成本评估如下(单位:美元/桶):
( Y$ C. C; \. T5 x* f0 d( N. C                                                    运行      (运行+设备)    (运行+设备+提炼)            4 O8 A! T7 D  R6 A& \2 @
表面开采(Surface mining)        $9-12               $18-20                      $36-40
6 J8 o2 Q7 F& n6 x- c深层开采(in-situ, SAGD)        $10-14               $18-22                      $36-42
8 |  B# \6 V, t常规开采                                    > $6
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:33 | 显示全部楼层
五、        阿尔泊塔省的油产量及预期增长
9 \% J5 ]; M4 b, ?; k
! }! O% {1 T; l3 |2 J, S  S1 A/ ~2005年           966,000 桶/天
$ y1 F$ W4 y6 O0 Y. q5 [2006年        1,200,000桶/天
% t; z! V" i) o4 J1 v- s7 {2015年        3,000,000 桶/天4 M6 m5 G: ?/ X' `+ X  `; A1 d  z
2030 年        5,000,000 桶/天, 全球领先地位
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:34 | 显示全部楼层
六、        2006年阿尔泊塔省内的主要石油公司 (以首字母为序)
3 c" x$ l# M" F- Ghttp://www.researchandmarkets.co ... amp;t=o&cat_id=, X) Q+ Y' u  [

) U" ?% h* y( A3 A7 J, v; x- BlackRock Ventures Inc.
9 n9 R; X& f7 u/ p( t# O5 i- Canadian Natural Resources; r6 ]/ B; B) W, j* P
- Canadian Oil Sands Trust: E) ]% e/ |& p% N
- Chevron Corporation/ n. ^3 g) u+ @. F$ D! W$ ?
- Connacher Oil and Gas Limited
, `: L9 o, D, z% H+ `- ConocoPhillips
- I2 y2 Z4 S  i- Deer Creek Energy Limited" Y& @, Q) `% @: ?' s9 D
- Devon Energy Corporation
* g7 I' E% n4 {; X- EnCana Energy1 f' n$ I$ _2 B% E! N; M* I" ~
- ExxonMobil / Imperial Oil
( M3 x1 Y2 L2 }! z- Habanero Resources Inc.- R" r0 _. o/ n: `# B) I2 M
- Husky Energy
7 Y* p4 _+ {& C  B, w- M- Imperial Oil$ P  u2 A4 f: c' p9 h
- JACOS1 E: G0 Y1 H  C5 o5 R6 [0 c
- Meg Energy Corp.
# `: |4 Z$ @( I( j+ M$ m4 e- Oilsands Quest Inc.
6 e! q* S- H: U% T0 t* ^- Opti Canada/Nexen7 w  E! N, E6 k7 S3 t+ B1 s3 n! A
- Penn West Energy Trust
0 m5 {. b5 }) b$ ]! U, C- Petrobank Energy and Resources/Whitesands In-Situ Ltd.
: s4 D$ Q; i+ F9 u8 {- Petro-Canada
/ J8 r7 E4 E$ x$ t& x! y$ Q0 a( h- Shell Canada( q. e9 E) C+ ^/ C- F
- Suncor Energy) X9 u9 Q; s7 H. F
- Syncrude Canada Ltd.. }2 X2 Q# y' m$ [' ~4 L
- Synenco Energy2 [$ t* N6 F. P. }# X
- TOTAL / Total E&P Canada Ltd.* e, S( |7 b2 L
- UTS Energy Corporation
3 P$ a, V( A! h! U0 ]! t- Value Creation Group/BA Energy Inc.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:34 | 显示全部楼层
七、        阿尔泊塔省内的石油投资与开发
6 `3 K3 ~% G2 u1 R4 r. t/ y; E, u9 k; D8 F, o
There are currently three large oil sands mining operations in the area run by Syncrude Canada Limited, Suncor Energy and Albian Sands owned by Shell Canada./ N: I# W5 E; `, I- k9 {1 h) w6 b5 _
Major producing or planned developments in the Athabasca Oil Sands include the following projects: (http://www.oilsandsdiscovery.com ... y/pdfs/projects.pdf)
4 p- h; X: _4 j8 e
7 G. G& R" ~8 O; m$ v* `0 V1.        Suncor Energy's Steepbank and millennium mines currently produce 263,000 barrels per day and its Firebag in-situ project produces 35,000 bpd. It intends to spend $3.2 billion to expand its mining operations to 400,000 bpd and its in-situ production to 140,000 bpd by 2008.
+ k- I& l* u# w) v2.        Syncrude's Mildred Lake and Aurora mines currently can produce 360,000 bpd.
5 g0 k, P  E1 b5 K' h( k3.        Shell Canada currently operated its Muskeg River mine producing 155,000 bpd and the Scotford Upgrader at Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta. Shell intends to open its new Jackpine mine and expand total production to 500,000 bpd over the next few years. ) l7 E5 S5 E( D8 o/ U/ t; C
4.        Nexen's in-situ Long Lake SAGD project is on schedule to produce 70,000 bpd by late 2007, with plans to expand it to 240,000 bpd over the next 10 years.
; K* T, l  P/ l5.        CNRL's $8 billion Horizon in-situ project is planned to produce 110,000 bpd on startup in 2008 and grow to 300,000 bpd by 2010. $ ]8 Z3 O5 n  X$ u
6.        Total S.A.'s subsidiary Deer Creek Energy is operating a SAGD project on its Joslyn lease, producing 10,000 bpd. It intends on constructing its mine by 2010 to expand its production by 100,000 bpd. # f% `2 Y1 y$ ~# G" {7 k# J! }9 N
7.        Imperial Oil's $5 to $8 billion Kearl Oil Sands Project is projected to start construction in 2008 and produce 100,000 bpd by 2010. Imperial also operates a 160,000 bpd in-situ operation in the Cold Lake oil sands region. 1 C9 o" \- ~  M5 w
8.        Synenco Energy and SinoCanada Petroleum Corp., a subsidiary of Sinopec, China's largest oil refiner, have agreed to create the $3.5 billion Northern Lights mine, projected to produce 100,000 bpd by 2009.
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:35 | 显示全部楼层
八、        环境成本 (以Syncrude 2005年/2006年为例)& l9 m1 n: Q: w: [% Q
                (bbl: 桶)! z4 `; I; m$ ^" ?
* I! w) J; R+ B0 r4 O% ]: w$ {
新鲜水用量:  2.4 bbl /bbl oil
& p% _- O* O: u; \# I; [/ a" G; G0 \
: c6 t5 V" }- @! ^二氧化碳(CO2)排放:  125 kg/bbl oil  (or 0.9 kg CO2 / kg oil) ( {6 j7 ?. ^) @# V
硫氧化物(SOx)排放:  0.97 kg/bbl oil- f4 c# c9 \1 A$ W0 m  S5 w) B
氮氧化物(NOx)排放:  0.25 kg/bbl oil+ Q! P$ q! Y% Z

9 o5 _( x, F  T' x! m; v能源消耗:1.43 million BTUs/bbl oil (主要为天然气)
1 L. ?6 X, Y- ]6 E1 N) }/ h                 相当于 每桶油发热量的24%5 T" `8 D  J+ ~1 R0 H
; H, U: V9 N  S( S- {$ |0 w1 w# B8 M! T9 V$ f* T
被干扰破坏的土地:  0.037 m2/bbl oil% Q' K3 T* s/ R6 P) C
修复的土地:被干扰破坏的土地的23%- J0 i( {( V$ \) j
净干扰破坏的土地:  0.028 m2/bbl oil
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-7 17:37 | 显示全部楼层

以下是Edmonton Journal去年对老顾的采访

Edmonton, Alta.: Aug 28, 2006. pg. A.16.FR
* A# n/ \; C" B" Q* o' t' i" T2 r
0 v% Y) N: I5 I, |# ~# O 1 s* b, w4 v9 g  u3 m( `* K& L$ D
People: Gu, Guoxing,  Bilhete, Clint & q& m% M6 F, p, n6 N" S6 {
Author(s): Gordon Jaremko 4 P) t7 C, v# K: |9 d+ Q
Document types: Business; Column
9 C$ W: E3 M  _; R: q. {5 c! A* [Column Name: Energy 6 ^2 [; {: @. j! C! a1 v1 w* r# I
Section: Business
! S1 A- D2 \" v8 ~; n+ kPublication title: Edmonton Journal. Edmonton, Alta.: Aug 28, 2006.  pg. A.16.FR 6 a' H6 o+ H9 J$ J4 L
Source type: Newspaper - _3 u2 }; U7 g+ C  b; d4 s
ProQuest document ID: 1116274771
$ e# V; n: \- LText Word Count 794
- T( {: b; |- E7 x: iDocument URL: http://proquest.umi.com.login.ez ... T=309&VName=PQD 4 W% g' A1 X2 b8 _
  @& c% t' v# z9 y
Abstract (Document Summary)
& {2 X" a& a; z: ~Xinjiang means "new frontier," and ethnic Chinese are settlers in the region. [Guoxing Gu] showed his breeding among counterparts to Western Canadian pioneers when he bumped into an Edmonton entrepreneur, Clint Bilhete, who took an oil sample to a U of A lab for analysis.! `/ p- c' F0 a9 L- W/ u. \
# t8 Q; g7 D) K
The sample he showed Gu was premium crude, not the molasses-like tar which is the initial oilsands product. Bilhete aroused the engineer's interest with a claim to have extracted the good stuff with a new process.
" f9 d0 ?6 j& Y  g
4 ~. v( z2 i! h- A8 c, l# fA look at Bilhete's invention convinced Gu the Edmonton entrepreneur was onto something. With partners including a local lawyer and a retired city police officer, they formed an industrial counterpart to a garage band called Material Processing Canada Inc.
: `, V1 W3 }- f, q( q+ W
0 k, n5 V9 k8 x' y/ J0 C6 a( e# u3 T7 J" R Full Text (794   words) : b% a9 _) [8 Q; w% Y: v6 u2 S
(Copyright Edmonton Journal 2006)
8 k: K( i7 ?& h4 U( H7 l9 fGuoxing Gu's expertise tapped by local innovator developing machine to extract oil from oilsands2 ^: V% q. H) y$ c
% w1 R+ x6 U9 w- a2 _& {& M- y
Not all of the Chinese interest in Alberta oil comes from state- controlled corporate giants working on global supply strategies for the People's Republic.
5 x8 r/ a* L: c4 b9 o3 }
0 ^! s- @3 B% u: Q2 {0 U2 z: a2 fEnter Guoxing Gu. He packs a Ph.D. in engineering. But he freely admits in an interview he had no idea the oilsands were the world's second-biggest black gold deposit after Saudi Arabia's fabled reserves before he reached Edmonton nine years ago.
5 v# |% C. r& R6 U! ^* N# x0 Q7 \' S
. C8 R' }; q0 ]He hails from Xinjiang, China's wild west of nomads, warriors and explorers from Mongols and Marco Polo to Asian wildcat drillers who lately added oil to the region's customary staples of grapes, melons, cotton, wheat, silk, walnuts and sheep.; |, V/ m, b0 o5 \

4 K  {6 Q* a0 B% I" E  sHis hometown of Urumqi is not far from the Eurasian Pole of Inaccessibility, a desert spot 2,648 kilometres from the nearest coastline that was not reached by a geographical expedition until 1986.
) l0 g8 g$ K# S$ M6 L6 V- a9 G2 f2 ]- j. B- b8 Y' J
Although Gu did not know it, his engineering specialty in colloids, or solids suspended in fluids, made him a candidate for oilsands work when he felt a yen for wider horizons while working in a Beijing petroleum institute.
/ ?4 \( D3 G( y( r( u# ~0 P- n* Y: w9 J) J. }
When he shopped around his international professional network, his experience separating sand from Chinese crude led to assignments with an oilsands research team financed by the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. He also added a senior role with an Edmonton consulting firm.
" N) b8 t, Y! q: x# C* D1 B* i: y$ I! t* c& A+ I- ]
Xinjiang means "new frontier," and ethnic Chinese are settlers in the region. Gu showed his breeding among counterparts to Western Canadian pioneers when he bumped into an Edmonton entrepreneur, Clint Bilhete, who took an oil sample to a U of A lab for analysis.
, E  o- `9 |' ^  Y! @  D8 N) |( D  C1 q. v+ y
The sample came from experiments with Utah oil shale, a rock variation on Alberta's bitumen deposits. The stuff attracted Bilhete as a member of an Edmonton mining family with roots in Portugal.
) e( o& ~0 t; ?6 x$ H# D+ a6 U- m5 G9 F/ i8 W. a$ f$ Z- Y$ s
The family has a history in minerals from gold to montmorillonite, a mineral-rich clay that absorbs water and sells in dry crushed forms under a variety of names for uses from kitty litter to oil rig drilling mud.  P: ?0 F/ W6 U

, `4 G1 T! d' L( w- `' [Bilhete's private Camrose Mining firm markets modest Utah production of the valuable earth as a cleaning agent and farm or garden soil additive under the name mazorite.
. n8 S, C- k  U/ h: A! r% j2 b' p! i2 U9 H/ s* ~
The sample he showed Gu was premium crude, not the molasses-like tar which is the initial oilsands product. Bilhete aroused the engineer's interest with a claim to have extracted the good stuff with a new process.
: K. g+ z: \+ V3 D9 q8 M) x, |% Y/ M3 F
A look at Bilhete's invention convinced Gu the Edmonton entrepreneur was onto something. With partners including a local lawyer and a retired city police officer, they formed an industrial counterpart to a garage band called Material Processing Canada Inc.; U6 A4 G( ~% ]% \9 X5 O
- `: D3 _& q: L( H5 J$ [
After three years of experiments with machines of increasing size, the crew has a portable "indirect thermal processing system" in a northwest Edmonton industrial district garage and ready to go out for field trials.
+ k+ L& g4 P# W9 ^# E; D8 S% b2 a6 [3 B. z
The system uses rotation, heat, pressure and a condenser to separate oil, water and sand from donated samples of storage tank sludge.
# j( s" E- {4 z' v, v2 o3 k* R( `2 V+ I
4 c$ c! \+ B0 h6 E( o# A7 i1 X, Y' A7 ]/ \  J4 D
The next step, now in the works, is persuading a refinery to give the firm an industry audition by letting it set up the equipment for extended production tests.. ^3 h3 Y+ h3 U" L

/ u' P( |/ n# }: U- m1 iAs a step on the way to large-scale oilsands or oil-shale processing, just skimming crude out of plant waste is potentially a substantial business. On average, refineries generate about 3.2 kilograms of currently unusable oil, sand and water sludge for every tonne or eight barrels of crude processed.
9 _) V7 o. t3 y7 R2 O# |9 M+ t: M8 z8 R" G3 m
Bilhete said he realizes it will not be easy to break into an industry renowned for realism, skepticism of outsiders, and caution about adopting new ideas for handling hazardous materials.: o% n9 u- p1 o2 e
( c2 R: ?2 U0 ^* {( d
"There are many, many people that think there's no way this will run," he admitted.
1 P' @# \6 u9 y6 E, }5 g. H* U4 l
7 u0 H5 r  h0 w% u4 N  ]* mBut the firm stands out as a testament to the stature and lustre acquired by the oilsands since Gu earned international professional credentials without having to learn about the Alberta resource.' p4 A0 A) K2 J6 f

0 k8 E, _5 I5 j9 @* ~' M2 p3 f7 a& Y9 BThe engineer vowed to build the next stage in his career on adding the invention to the industry arsenal of processing and refining equipment.
/ y- q3 _" r, z- }( W. I1 F/ R% g1 D1 d, D0 z. ]" C% G, t! }
For Bilhete, breaking into the black gold business has become personal. "I've used all my own money on this -- everything I've ever saved," he said.# T/ M- S- b$ X1 t2 {+ ]' Z

" U* P/ r9 v3 H: s  r"I've put everything into this. I have a belief that when you begin something you go to the end, no matter what," the Edmonton entrepreneur said.
  f& w; G9 G6 u4 G
- P7 o0 V; S* k5 g4 H% U, f"I won't stop. I'll sell everything I have. I have so much confidence in my machine I will go all the way."
7 o# e; r" C+ |( s. G- [+ i8 P: ~+ e% J) V* W- ?3 Y. p
  n, `2 O4 F  o2 e" i
8 O( t: d# Q/ c& U, g' Z9 C[Illustration] ; k9 B& k% Y! A9 w' i+ h! D& C7 {
Photo: Rick MacWilliam, the Journal / Clint Bilhete, left, and Guoxing Gu with their homemade material-processing unit. The system uses rotation, heat, pressure and a condenser to separate oil, water and sand.
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-7 19:05 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-11 16:23 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
窃以为油砂行业正在趋近饱和," j( ]! r  S' N, \- ]
而且油砂需要的除了少量的技术人员之外3 C* z6 m8 H- m- R, G
大部分都更需要体力工人" ^% j! C4 B2 m$ M/ s
鲜花(34) 鸡蛋(5)
发表于 2007-5-20 08:39 | 显示全部楼层
great, , f. f: n2 i# w6 p1 {
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-23 19:40 | 显示全部楼层

Need a good money-make job?

Go to Fort Mcmurray to pick a one. Move up to Fort Mcmurray if you really need a good money-make job. Its average family income in Fort Mcmurray last year is about $130K
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-5-27 12:39 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 恭喜发财 于 2007-5-7 18:35 发表 3 G2 L: X$ I8 n
八、        环境成本 (以Syncrude 2005年/2006年为例)
7 f4 C* K: P% T& g4 m& v2 n1 }* {                (bbl: 桶)
+ m) k+ i7 E8 c' G9 q5 g
8 C+ y  w& p8 G; D1 A1 K新鲜水用量:  2.4 bbl /bbl oil5 y% `0 o$ S6 _# X

+ P, N( `" f7 A7 `* R/ J二氧化碳(CO2)排放:  125 kg/bbl oil  (or 0.9 kg CO2 / kg oil) " @: p8 h+ ^% J& b
硫氧化物(SOx)排 ...

3 n# @: v6 G9 o1 k: x是否需要对污水处理
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-29 19:26 | 显示全部楼层
同言同羽 置业良晨
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-6-1 22:38 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(64) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-3 08:22 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(5) 鸡蛋(1)
发表于 2007-8-11 05:44 | 显示全部楼层
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-8-11 17:44 | 显示全部楼层
鍘熷笘鐢 鎭枩鍙戣储 浜 2007-5-29 20:26 鍙戣〃 9 L+ _; n+ Y: n/ Z
, F4 }& t* t  m$ W$ g- t1 J% h# S- Z

* M/ I- t  \( i( u1 k/ \, P
$ t; @0 q9 U; D1 Y4 O/ h- m濡傛灉闇瑕佹薄姘村鐞嗙殑宸ヤ綔锛岃缁欐垜涓涓満浼氥
1 y9 g! }: E! Y$ \% @涓囧垎鎰熻阿銆 鎰挎剰濂変笂鏈汉鐨勭涓涓湀宸ヨ祫浣滀负鍥炴姤銆
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