埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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[招聘信息] 14/hr Cashier full-time Or Part-time Wanted

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2016-12-8 21:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Downtown Coffee shop looking for an EXPERIENCDE full- time Or Part-time cashier.
1 v4 M( i1 T* j* r+ {+ |0 f# ]
6 S  c- n( W3 @- n% b6 ?+ t; UEarly morning shift: 4:30 am-12:30 pm Or 4:30 am-9:30 am Monday-Friday only& U5 j- @* K/ T" |+ W" R1 g

7 J$ q6 n  N9 [6 xJob responsibilities include: & k  _% e1 I3 \' ?0 [

3 |9 P5 a! e6 d8 @/ W6 i- Cashing out/serving customers
3 ^: a- f! J3 T: m) j- s- Keeping a clean, neat, organized section
; n0 ]+ c5 ^3 _; t- Maintaining inventory levels ) C# n* m5 f! B' L4 \- P/ J& v7 d: m
- Stocking/Shelving merchandise $ H1 ]0 ~* Z( N) f
- Any other front-of-house related duties as assigned by management 4 s6 g; X' N: _2 Q# S

7 ]1 G0 r3 O$ m. {, [PLEASE bring your resume, APPLY IN PERSON between the hours of 13:30 pm-16:00 pm Monday-Friday. We are closed on the weekends.
& R" q3 Q1 \9 _  t2 bApply in store ONLY!, Y1 a6 Z: ~1 X5 o$ J6 V( R
Could start next Monday.
) q2 |2 j( _2 ?: H5 c, Y# D9 P/ }% ^7 s9 U
Address is: ! Q: {! K8 m( J/ a! [4 D7 K3 L

+ r4 g3 J% j  w( r3 ]1 [) F' I9 i10004 104 Ave NW & t& S* f' n: i  f" P$ ?8 J
Edmonton, Alberta/ L, B- ~  x. `  l) T! T+ `2 _
; w$ a# P) M0 _CN Tower 1st Floor
5 G( _% g! [/ r
5 M# h" d$ J  _" H1 Q早班,没有free parking。需要女生,流利英文,Cashier 和 customer service 经验经验经验!!!
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(6)
发表于 2016-12-8 21:54 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
可怜 早上4.30-9.30 5小时 还要早上3点起床准备上班 还得自己付停车费 5小时的工钱税后刚好够付停车费
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