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Real Estate Reporters

鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2007-11-13 09:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Attention Real Estate Reporters: # ]1 x* z% t7 ?% P- ~
2 I8 x6 u$ t9 f( v
Despite US housing woes Canadian real estate remains upbeat
  s) ]/ O, v  C9 N    TORONTO, Nov. 5 /CNW/ - Leading real estate experts are predicting the US4 B* q/ D3 `+ H* d8 I
commercial real estate market will slow in 2008 and follow a similar pattern
5 m- W- b, d( q( q- f! }as the current residential market. However, according to the annual Emerging
: S( Y2 @* N. C+ w: }. F# dTrends in Real Estate 2008 report, released by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)1 z( m6 u1 z$ c9 A- D
and the Urban Land Institute (ULI), their Canadian counterparts are much more
6 l  c& g  F( [) R4 Bupbeat.  J' e8 O& Y5 h& h1 l1 g2 c2 J
    Now in its 29th year, Emerging Trends is the oldest, most highly regarded8 S. N! P- P7 ]
annual industry outlook for the real estate industry. The report reflects
: }  c4 o; s3 V1 [5 A( N: w  Tinterviews with and surveys of more than 600 of the industry's leading real4 {, K- S3 t) y: X
estate experts, including investors, developers, property company
! w" ]# Y8 W" {0 j+ L2 n+ irepresentatives, lenders, brokers and consultants in both Canada and the US.. \. i  ?9 `4 f
Other versions of this report are conducted in countries around the world3 _$ J2 Q3 \3 `1 p( f; v1 R! |; J1 @
including Asia Pacific and Europe.
) y6 p* W6 e3 D) p0 F, m% F- U    According to Chris Potter, PwC partner and leader of the firm's Canadian6 T! K0 v) {) _. W
Real Estate Tax practice, Canada benefits from a more conservative investment3 s- X8 ^( t) u0 r2 P" p
environment than the US. "In Canada, institution-dominated markets appear to% _3 e) m6 \4 i( @- `& e
be avoiding 'transaction mania', but real estate values have reached record# n- y& q3 l0 l% h0 I. Z; n( f3 r
highs and a strong economy has accelerated tenant demand for space."
, J/ l8 p( J9 Q, W( N    According to American respondents, a healthy correction south of the
# i" I7 A7 C8 y# e2 c9 R& Iborder will likely bypass long-term investors but penalize late-to-the-game8 Q' U( z: {# f+ j
speculators and overleveraged buyers. Canadian respondents to the survey
* m4 H- q2 P5 g7 J, r# fremain positive about sidestepping any serious impacts of this possible US
; G: h, H$ m, f! Dcorrection. Close to 36% view their prospects for profitability in 2008 to be: B6 V; K$ X( v3 t, d4 O
very good and a further 22.4% say they're excellent.4 b5 l: s, u5 H% Y/ a: t
    The strongest areas of real estate business activity for Canadian
0 B  R% j+ b2 Q3 K& ?respondents is predicted to be within real estate services, followed by4 s: y  p/ s: Z/ F6 e- C
commercial/multifamily development and homebuilding/residential land
' p8 i5 V0 |% m- P( cdevelopment. All property sectors share positive prospects across the country8 x( D. p: f% R; e7 z* Q' ~3 d1 W
especially industrial and retail with respondents, on average, stating
" U* L$ f* u7 Y, ?- vdevelopment prospects are expected to be modestly good to good. The2 k0 r" Y0 M! J" E+ A( ~
residential for-sale market is also expected to fair well, but might need to0 |$ b, [$ D) p# q# V' H& V: v
take a breather as homebuilders cannot keep up with the current pace and
0 F1 a5 G6 L# j8 ]4 ksingle-family housing looks overpriced.
/ B2 ]5 P! P! o2 u; g6 O# U% D    Office stock is seeing limited inventories and dated product fill up with' b6 W7 R( c* m: m! O' u/ `9 g
tenants. Except for Montreal, where office vacancies are nearing 9%. Canadian  |; A( R" m% q& [' K; @( P/ L
metropolitan areas boast below 5% vacancies, and rents have room to push! @$ P! o/ N  `0 _: @
higher. The survey is also showing that costs and land scarcity is limiting% e+ ?: a8 X1 p+ J, m4 X  s7 i5 Y& a
new development. Hotel investment and development prospects are modestly good,
+ b/ C5 M3 x' [3 N2 }and most respondents rate this sector either a buy or a hold. Rental
% p: s5 K0 V# ^& D% g! y8 L1 z5 q" t+ Dapartments are doing well in major cities with high immigration flows. Primary
+ r; h! r7 B6 U- X7 W6 A3 |western cities - Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton - are veering toward housing& K' @' h$ G0 f. [
shortages as workers, attracted by a plethora of well-paying jobs, pour into' z: k! s0 {3 N3 n( a% V: F4 }
the energy zone. Apartment occupancies are soaring in these areas. Development
& ~- u8 r1 l; X* x3 p' [' D+ \in other regions remains difficult because of costs and land scarcity.) f" Q3 J8 }* C) F* n8 c8 Q
4 m1 _5 o1 \) }/ X. L2 T7 r2 J1 O
    Canadian Markets to Watch
* I/ ?* Z* I4 o% [  i0 g4 w- S6 O/ D! a4 p- X
    The report comments on how Canadians like to live and work in central
, p8 n0 R) m1 a# A! b* ~; g" v3 Mcities, as long as they can afford it. If housing is too pricey in 24-hour
9 p( _  K( P  A3 L& pneighbourhoods, people move to inner-ring suburbs or beyond and commute back( P9 Y( G  C) L. B* t% F" T; Z2 `9 E
into the cores. Investors, especially the institutions, are concentrated in
6 V8 C! `* \- L& ~7 p4 G  Qdowntown areas too. Planners and developers focus on infill and more vertical. `# C( I* H$ H3 K
projects, which reinforce the urban cores. The hot-growth energy cities out' l1 m; i6 V  H+ v
west - Calgary and Edmonton - score the highest ratings for investment
  j. j' W% s7 J7 y% ~- K2 Jprospects, development, and for-sale housing, although it is not certain6 `4 J, X9 N, v; K) q) V, Q5 t
whether the recent announcements on royalties will have any effect on this.
) z4 ~  [5 Q8 j" UToronto, Canada's premier global pathway city, and Vancouver also have high9 g8 Z7 D) D9 X
ratings. Ottawa and Montreal follow, with Halifax lagging.! m/ r% ?. t( N) ], k

1 E6 H0 z4 u' U    Calgary/Edmonton3 K; L3 V+ a/ g2 X! G) s/ t

& Y% k4 X; H/ Y4 Z; }6 S4 w7 {    Calgary is the Canada's "resource" capital and North America's number-one
( P' @8 |) N6 ?* \2 H4 Q! T: {6 ^; Xboomtown. Survey respondents foresee strong buys for all sectors: 53.5% give a; M( `$ }% Z, B
buy recommendation for Hotel Property, 52.8% for Industrial/Distribution,# f$ K; A- G  M$ P1 s
48.1% for Retail and Apartment Residential and 44.6% for Office Property.( ^7 @$ p9 C" m( v
Furthermore, on average the majority of respondents see Calgary For-Sale
: z2 C% [2 |# _Homebuilding prospects as very good. Edmonton is closely mimicking the
9 Z  ?! F6 |5 c) F# g' Y: SCalgary-style growth wave and as long as demand for energy resources stays
: I  Q6 b- D3 b" s2 R' f" O) Ystrong, this market will continue to do well.0 Y" J0 W; O) m! \3 D
1 G$ h4 ]* u$ g, G, e
    Vancouver; P" ?3 w2 a0 p3 W
# g/ W. m0 s3 E' C
    Vancouver's diversified economy is roaring, the mining industry is1 @% e) F2 a3 h2 @
booming and the city provides a large port and a high-tech center. Outrageous+ k6 N$ t, h; m/ g
real estate prices frustrate homebuyers and commercial investors and the
8 o( M9 B" R. P& C, Lmarket is extremely hard to crack. The 2010 Winter Olympic Games is also a
' J3 l" l4 @3 i! Z) s5 G( l( Cgrowth driver and accordingly 44.7% of respondents give Vancouver a buy2 {' C* Y, s) m) C
recommendation for Hotel Property. A further 43.5% give a buy Retail, 41.3%' t0 \+ b/ q. U; v! z
for Industrial/Distribution and 36.7% for Office Property followed by 34.1%* \- Q! }5 C1 r# n1 P
for Apartment Residential property. Vancouver also ranks in the good to very
; R9 _, D$ ]2 i* |* k1 }good mark for for-sale homebuilding prospects.
' p3 V% M+ R5 n; ?( Q& Y7 g
6 g8 Z5 H  H' y% ]6 X) O3 R    Toronto* n' j3 I: m, s6 j  T' a' ~7 h

- L3 T! ^0 h) b3 ]6 F$ L  ?    Toronto ranks as a major global pathway destination, 24-hour city, and
  X  H& Y! Q+ D/ f8 Jmanufacturing hub. Compared with other national financial centers, the city is
' S, N" @3 e* a# [relatively inexpensive. However, the rising loonie is hurting manufacturing: ^& I" S" h# g5 r0 s& r( A( h
industries, and clouds over the US economy threaten to stall out momentum.
7 M& _7 ?: X- e1 g' }Three new office towers are under construction, adding 3 million new square
- t; ~4 _: s# {feet of office space. Notably, Office (49.1%), Industrial (46.2%) and
# t3 Z3 H7 e! s4 e) ]0 sApartments (40.8%) are given solid buys.1 z8 v# R7 f/ K# G& d3 A0 @
# O( R: I3 v# Z; `3 B
+ t3 r& {+ \; n2 F
$ K) q6 A; a  O. C' ]' R    Montreal continues to face concerns about market stability and overall
3 c- q; W3 G6 L& Lgrowth prospects as major companies no longer choose it as a place to set up
/ {6 I4 m+ `7 _! S4 Pshop. But, plenty of government offices fill space. Of the larger cities in
5 e% G2 X+ S' T7 K6 d- \Canada, Montreal ranks lowest as a "buy" recommendation in all real estate% I8 ]! Z6 B/ _" Y& }
sectors. However, respondents generally rated all Montreal real estate sectors
% Q% }' [$ n1 [higher as a "hold" recommendation.
* G% ]: J& `! H, M+ I) n# J# g* V6 \5 x+ A& F$ J
    The report notes that best bets for investors for the coming years" X% a* A6 N3 d  t4 a$ s* @0 C
include a focus on all property sectors in the high-growth western energy6 V9 P9 h! S& ^. C/ w* B7 b, R
markets, hold on central business district office space, develop infill condos- s& }* F7 i9 \  t* @5 W
near subways stops in Toronto, buy infill sites wherever you can and invest
0 G+ T- ~3 Q* A$ Boverseas. Potter concludes, "Domestic opportunities are too limited at current
: _& e0 I8 P" U, O$ b3 {& Eprices.": R7 J1 e4 o" e9 V* y7 y
    A copy of Emerging Trends in Real Estate(R) 2008 is available at
& Q' a4 u6 o6 r6 Rwww.uli.org or www.pwc.com/imre.
& u, z/ {% A9 `+ n2 E0 z* ~$ |, R$ M( f5 X7 W, V7 B
    About PricewaterhouseCoopers
" y, `5 F" Z+ R8 e' M
  K) l: n( p# k; S    PricewaterhouseCoopers (www.pwc.com) provides industry-focused assurance,* ~+ M" j% ]9 [9 i1 h2 M7 O
tax and advisory services to build public trust and enhance value for its
! F4 a+ m/ a; A8 J3 z5 l7 c9 lclients and their stakeholders. More than 140,000 people in 149 countries
# H/ S3 i+ K- d+ S5 ^! E/ Wacross our network share their thinking, experience and solutions to develop2 X- {( v# C/ P4 e" X* n
fresh perspectives and practical advice. Now celebrating 100 years of
0 m7 c+ @1 r9 Qexcellence in Canada, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (www.pwc.com/ca) and its
0 W( G' |: G' Y$ ~# z5 V" I8 qrelated entities have more than 5,200 partners and staff in offices across the( T5 J( W( n; m
country.; U2 c" U. B, d
    "PricewaterhouseCoopers" refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an Ontario" s( u4 t8 M' n) `5 k: s+ A
limited liability partnership, or, as the context requires, the
  F3 o7 C. y. {0 UPricewaterhouseCoopers global network or other member firms of the network,
6 g; l6 \/ g/ \) }1 g7 V* [+ Peach of which is a separate and independent legal entity.
- k' |& a5 Z& \2 j3 `% K* R5 N$ S" c$ Z" z  A8 d: g1 b
    About the Urban Land Institute
. B* G) s9 b) b: A0 D1 A0 M5 U4 C. G8 F/ F! W: A" X
    The Urban Land Institute (www.uli.org) is a nonprofit education and
7 O: S7 w! d9 X7 G" a  A2 Vresearch institute supported by its members. Its mission is to provide
! c, P9 M/ N1 C: Vleadership in the responsible use of land and in sustaining and creating
& o2 ?: o* P" c! A; `& mthriving communities worldwide. Established in 1936, the Institute has more
9 Q6 F5 b6 e1 |9 S5 m$ n0 xthan 38,000 members representing all aspects of land use and development; Y7 n4 |, q, C- _
7 G( X2 c$ L( e& n$ \' E6 @2 o+ x    The Urban Land Institute is an active and growing organization in Canada.4 z" m7 a9 D% w9 T0 [
With nearly 700 members across the country, Canada's first ULI District
3 X2 o4 @" A# e8 {$ SCouncil was established in Toronto in 2005 and a second District Council is
; N, w3 d7 t# hnow being formed in British Columbia. The Toronto District Council will be
: X0 P( E4 w5 o" d7 k) o& Thosting a special event on Emerging Trends in Real Estate on November 20th,' m4 Q" V9 s+ V7 a9 W/ T7 Y% b
2007, featuring Jonathan Miller, the principal author of the report, Blake2 y$ D; t. M* c& b' {
Hutcheson, President of CB Richard Ellis Canada Ltd., and George Carras,
- f2 q3 _) ~) I6 k- TPresident of RealNet Canada Inc. For more information on this event, please( u( i$ K" A/ C& E9 C
call the Toronto District Council Coordinator at (647) 258-0017, or look on* v/ c" P. n6 H, h% q- ?' Z/ A
the web at www.uli.org/events/index.cfm?id=3066.
9 e. @2 W. h- \: k& j/ z6 x2 J, v! r' v1 Q) ?; ]4 L

$ L2 g1 _: i3 ^3 `! j
- ^, q7 z$ \8 x' M; c% h* lFor further information: Carolyn Forest, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP,/ ]5 T0 `, B3 }* ?, o0 I8 C7 E
(416) 814-5730, carolyn.forest@ca.pwc.com" y3 f% c% c( j9 K* J! H2 `" J
http://www.newswire.ca/en/releas ... r2007/05/c4080.html) P# A8 m1 d3 H

! a3 O3 r# Y1 ]- p[ 本帖最后由 QWE321 于 2007-11-13 09:08 编辑 ]
鲜花(1) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-13 09:06 | 显示全部楼层
; ^' \, J$ `5 C  `, f! B. \- B; E  l% o+ m8 q, N5 S4 r. V% m
尽管美国住房疾苦加拿大房地产仍乐观0 W) ~- c3 ]6 m
    多伦多, 11月5日电/新华美通/ -领先的房地产专家预测,美国& J$ D) j( H7 b  ?4 e( O
! d' k% n$ T& w$ I  J: F由于目前住宅市场。但是,根据年报新兴
8 N' k* |7 S* o2 `; n# W; ~趋势,在房地产, 2008年发布的报告,由罗兵咸永道(预委会)
& t8 d$ o9 f5 ~( [' i% w! L$ j/ ?和城市土地研究所(宇力) ,其对应的加拿大得多; Y% V# L7 \4 W9 T3 y! g8 `
! A- J8 \7 t/ f! i3 _4 w, P+ V4 S    现在,在其第29届,今年新出现的趋势是历史最悠久,最受尊敬的3 @) a$ ~* s8 G; c2 E5 b! }
年度行业展望房地产业。该报告反映了8 ^2 b( ]6 i# M9 ], B5 E" ?; J' ]. F
访谈和调查, 600多的业内领先的实时
+ v: r- a+ n" ]9 D1 k2 w. X地产专家,包括投资者,开发商,物业公司# I! C. @% ?" P* B
0 Q8 U' E5 v/ j5 ~, o其它版本的这份报告是在世界各国纷纷/ z: M! d" c: U4 P2 a) }  f
" Z3 |9 I* ]  s3 r1 K0 }- A% N    据克里斯波特,预委会的合作伙伴和领导者,该公司在加拿大
5 V" b6 L; M. G房地产税的做法,加拿大受益于一个较保守的投资5 F# Z" F" N! |
环境比美国好。 "在加拿大,机构主导的市场,似乎
& Y2 h7 v4 o2 L可避免'交易躁狂症' ,但房地产的价值,已达到了创纪录
7 Q+ d( u  j, j: P  h+ }; v4 @$ R高点和强劲的经济,加速了租客的需求空间" 。
% j6 T5 f0 j! V. b. L, @0 h6 p' ?    据美国受访者中,一个健康的校正南方的
* O# G$ O& G" u) l边界可能会绕过长线投资者,但惩罚下旬至该游戏1 E. \* x7 T9 w: A' j
炒家overleveraged买家。加拿大民意调查被访者4 i' s* T9 t% [- r; y3 @
2 g2 B) e# T& l更正。接近36 % ,查看他们的前景,盈利能力在2008年将
4 f+ j; q) _: P5 t1 x/ g非常好,并且进一步的22.4 %的人说他们做得很棒。
  ~  g( w* R  H    最强地区的房地产经营活动,为加拿大4 F! d! \5 a5 [& G+ c; P
) {/ d+ R% e' I+ Z& I商业/多家庭的发展和住宅建设/住宅用地
3 ^  v' C9 V! |" @/ X7 N的发展。所有地产行业分享积极的前景在全国推行
3 w- l, S3 b( B: z# P7 U0 e( W尤其是工业和零售与受访者中,平均说明# ~: M7 E8 ~' o
7 `3 A: T4 q% U住宅为售后市场预期也将公平好,但可能需要
! O0 y% e; D8 N- E' f以喘息为营建不能配合当前的速度和
% k8 s! O; m2 g  i& I* u$ v/ l0 h单个家庭的房屋期待过高。
' Z5 ?: C6 t0 P- V. C5 c4 v    办公室的股票是看到有限的库存和过时的产品,填补了
2 u- @, v9 q7 s' e* n& ~, x租户。除蒙特利尔,而办公楼空置率接近百分之九。加拿大
: c1 v9 l' t+ n4 }: G大都市区夸耀百分之五以下的职位空缺,以及租金的空间,以推动3 ^! A- F) p7 t. `& U0 G) P. t
  C4 m+ [) I- E/ n7 L新的发展。酒店投资和发展前景是良好的谦虚, / Y0 a& Z* ^! v" F( k, Y
, H, @) z1 G: B, {* g2 x( ]- `公寓是搞好大城市与高移民流动。小学
- W' \# {% e2 k. m' v+ k西方城市-温哥华,卡尔加里,埃德蒙顿和-正转向对房屋
: L  H& ~' f: Q* S短缺的工人,吸引了大量的好报酬优厚的就业岗位,倒入. i# C7 C2 k0 a) R4 t/ r- p
# A& ~* A/ n& n1 C  e在其他地区仍然很困难,因为成本及土地匮乏。
: v( A6 ]1 ?6 d7 z/ E" D  p$ r1 j% I) t# q
    加拿大市场上观看: ?: c0 H% m# n

  u' O7 ^) o# x3 c    该报告对如何加拿大人愿意生活和工作在中央
; w; W1 z6 ~& Z% Z+ j% q$ i城市,只要他们能够负担得起的。如果房屋是太昂贵,在24小时
: N" L% V$ G& c8 ?+ c" t" o3 _居民区,人们搬到党内环郊区或更远和通勤回9 G2 u5 M9 C, {1 }8 x
进入内核。投资者,特别是机构,都集中在, U4 j" W8 @3 x3 W3 x
市中心地区。规划者和开发商把重心放在加密和更垂直- D" _$ c# R8 V/ N6 O; n- @
- V- s6 h- b! @% |西-卡尔加里和埃德蒙顿-评分最高的收视率,为投资
: V6 S; X1 n. C6 u# F: _前景,发展,并为出售住房,它虽然是不肯定$ A7 J# [) |( v0 r/ [& I
% d4 k  s$ b9 F+ b多伦多,是加拿大首屈一指的全球通路的城市,温哥华等,也有高
3 Z5 a* h& X- `- ~, N评级。渥太华和蒙特利尔跟进,与哈利法克斯还相对滞后。 3 ~! f/ n% u" G  F0 @& ?/ L
2 A2 ^9 b- u  E1 m8 F( @
    卡尔加里/埃德蒙顿" T  I$ C2 E! b% h  ^* m* t
! t. l( V( a5 z( s3 i3 ?! L
    卡尔加里是加拿大的"资源"的资本和北美洲的头号$ X# |3 z9 `3 h7 |7 S: Y% s6 q
新兴都市。调查的受访者预计,强买,为各阶层人士: 53.5 %作8 u, J/ |* j( B$ s' R
购买建议,为酒店物业,为52.8 % ,为工业/配送,
2 U# e( L" E4 h. {& C4 _48.1 % ,零售和公寓住宅和44.6 % ,为办公室的财产。 % r# ~3 V5 Z: D) u5 o. l
此外,每日平均有超过半数受访见卡尔加里为售后0 v3 ?" V- i( W; T# S
住宅建设前景是非常好的。埃德蒙顿正密切模仿了1 u+ L& r! }3 {( E
% L3 E" o' C/ [. @+ {8 k( I0 Q强大的,这个市场将继续向好。 + C4 k+ b5 Y$ H+ O: T* N

# @+ k9 f( u' L4 u8 k7 x    温哥华
+ i" n. b! R9 `" e# g( p5 C% k5 i
    温哥华的多元化的经济,是波涛汹涌,采矿业, W6 C. c; Y' V! l8 A. I
3 h6 D' F4 I3 V房地产价格挫败购房者和商业投资者和, `* L# V" D' s. @% `
市场是非常难裂纹。 2010年冬季奥运会也是一个
9 {7 e# S( [4 k5 d主要成长动力,并据此44.7 %的受访者给予温哥华买进
+ ^) I7 ^3 ]( v8 s' D建议对酒店的财产。另有43.5 %给予买进零售, 41.3 %
( ~+ G% L& e! i2 B工业/分销和36.7 %办公室财产其次是34.1 %
8 x/ z. w8 f8 \( M, x+ z* H7 {为公寓住宅物业。温哥华也名列在好的很
+ P, i' {) s9 S! k良好的标志,为买卖房屋建筑的前景。
$ k+ v9 k5 t1 w' [$ Q$ P2 l% ?
5 D  `( _4 ]( V5 J    多伦多
6 M, e7 |4 p) F! X
5 D. w. B, J+ H' n# Q! \2 c    多伦多队伍作为一项重大的全球通路目的地后, 24小时市,
% E% j1 ^; Z) k7 _7 j制造业枢纽。相较于其他国家的金融中心,该市正
2 K$ }4 L  a: o, N; x% }# o' J价格相对低廉。不过,加元上涨是伤害制造
6 E& `  L7 G2 [( s5 g工业,并云在美国经济的威胁,以贩出的势头。
) c4 g$ a; r+ E) ?  {: R1 z  o三个新的办公大楼正在建设中,增加3万个新广场
6 ?- ]  ]+ ~5 w7 i$ Z- V! z& Q0 o英尺的办公空间。值得注意的是,办公室( 49.1 % ) ,工业( 46.2 % )和
) u3 {% e7 ]2 s+ q  M" h- i公寓( 40.8 % ) ,给出了坚实的收购。
4 t$ |% w" H0 g) n1 n7 f% K* u
) h# {1 Q* M0 o$ `3 n6 r    蒙特利尔
9 R- o) g9 |- u; B" d/ E; s# m3 {9 i9 a7 M1 a
    蒙特利尔仍然面临着关注市场的稳定及整体' O9 t$ L* F7 \+ ]0 d
经济增长的前景,因为各大公司不再选择香港作为一个地方成立! k- w' Y- d: A( E% ]
店。但是,大量的政府办公室填写空间。比较大的城市' J& o* D/ e6 i/ z6 u
加拿大,蒙特利尔排名最低的是一个"买进"的建议,在所有房地产9 B8 ]# P1 u9 j: @. E) r; `
/ D; n+ R3 l% y高为"持有"建议。
- j3 x2 V. \/ m
8 G% e6 x4 s9 Z; _7 s    报告指出,最佳的赌注,为投资者在未来几年; `1 ^( X( i8 n- N
包括重点放在所有地产行业在高速发展的西方能源! K& r- |( ?' t5 u* L7 e
! I! h, s0 {+ H8 ]附近的行人隧道,停在多伦多,购买加密地点在何处,你可以和投资# }1 S+ t5 D7 U
海外。波特的结论是, "国内的机会太有限,在目前的4 N$ _; n2 d; F
价格" 。
8 p0 R* v" A# g    一本新趋势的房地产( r )的, 2008年是于; u+ A1 X8 x0 v3 ]; R3 P; {! S5 y* F
www.uli.org或www.pwc.com /伊姆雷。
% r7 x" U  |# X# T1 T9 b8 C* }' ~$ X) ]& w
    约罗兵咸永道* u( z# b, y4 B) l" {- j$ h7 c
/ v0 M* j2 r  S8 h& J1 o
    罗兵咸永道( www.pwc.com )提供行业为重点的保证, * H0 Y& j7 _/ x
7 {. W: c  M, L$ s& o9 p* n$ f客户和他们的利益相关者。超过14万人,在149个国家
* b2 k* I# X2 D& z0 f跨越我们的网络分享他们的思想,经验和解决方案开发. ~. I6 {% V7 ?4 i  G
/ V+ {: Z* t& i! q9 R卓越在加拿大,罗兵咸永道物流园( www.pwc.com / ca )和其
6 p1 w/ d6 M6 |相关实体有超过5200名合作伙伴和工作人员在全国各地的办公室
1 @2 x4 @  w; a4 b+ U$ R国。 & H! z5 }! t0 C
     "罗兵咸永道" ,是指以罗兵咸永道物流园,安大略0 a' d2 M( N3 ^" P) q) V* R
有限责任合伙,或视情况需要, + j8 t- v" g% H  U. z! l
2 m" O2 b  R6 L1 ?( t- D- ?. W每年这是一个独立的法律实体。 $ J) X% k/ ^; Z) x: D
* S; u; P. O0 f5 [2 x. Z
" v9 r  u3 g( E, V+ G7 _0 o  i+ q+ x6 A$ ~
    城市土地学会( www.uli.org )是一个非赢利性的教育和
2 @: N# n# W9 C3 N9 u2 P; M研究院的支持,它的成员。它的使命是提供. v& T# C3 W3 u
% E: c+ _* B2 I- t. \! K. l' z9 P2 s蓬勃发展的社区在世界各地。成立于1936年,研究所更4 S* o2 F, D0 r
超过38000人,代表各方面的土地利用与发展2 {9 S& ^: k$ f5 r9 k( h$ f
学科。 . i7 y: c5 f2 P, q" f% ]6 P( A9 c
    城市土地学会是一个积极的和不断扩大的组织在加拿大。 2 P8 R4 [7 Z; t! k7 r
与近700名委员在全国推行,加拿大的第赫内斯区' K; D6 a  P0 R2 R/ G
9 I* t5 x  x3 X5 m: {) g& o现在正在形成,在不列颠哥伦比亚省。多伦多区会
3 n& h. \. b# p, O  |2 l主办了一次特别活动,对新出现的趋势,在房地产上11月20日, % G: h8 h2 n& y0 Y/ ]" g
/ h" M6 H" ?9 w$ ~资讯公司总裁世邦魏理仕加拿大有限公司,和乔治carras ,
% R9 p& W+ z$ V# g5 B总统realnet加拿大公司的更多信息,对这一事件,请
% d5 d$ O+ T- I9 ~' N; I致电多伦多区议会事务协调员( 647 ) 258-0017 ,或一脸无奈
# Q: P0 w% c7 D- E3 F: |- S5 l网站www.uli.org/events/index.cfm?id=3066
3 Z  }8 p$ ~) {' q4 o
% F! }9 `* v, W2 ^
3 q  ?* p7 t2 b+ X, e; p: ~5 o3 k. i  B5 C6 q0 b2 x
8 ^. z" V/ }2 p+ x, D3 F+ F( 416 ) 814-5730 , carolyn.forest @ ca.pwc.com
鲜花(4348) 鸡蛋(18)
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" u. g: r) U' E/ E8 U
& R+ D' T  j' ?
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