埃德蒙顿华人社区-Edmonton China

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Sherwood Park黄金地段超值旺店!8年老店,海量升级、超多回头客,机不可失!

鲜花(4) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2021-1-9 12:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
地址:Sherwood Park
# E+ j! q: b+ M% D$ h) A0 z3 k
; G& z0 g& _/ B$ j3 |售价:$149,000
+ b! M& L$ |& Z: ?& r
+ h/ ~* W2 K) s" e  e! r* t7 t联系方式:老杨团队. M* o1 M9 m- k

% P/ n4 \; P- `7 c# v; ghttp://www.fanyangteam.com! E' V# o: x/ Q

# o6 Y. a: y  }) k( Z 门面01.JPG
+ M  U/ A9 O! J7 G3 |% K2 I
9 t, O' L# `  f; m# k0 CSherwood Park黄金地段超值旺店!临近学校、医院,周边民宅、商务楼林立,客流如织,良好口碑!交通便利!
- g4 l$ C) Y& y; U
5 V; m: w6 ]5 b8年老店,绝佳口碑,大量熟客,为Sherwood Park几乎所有的小学送热午餐,更有优秀的物业管理团队为您的生意保驾护航。
, e% A% ]+ |9 Z5 d) L$ z
+ X2 b" V' E* L2 |! Y! D  Z% r( E店内所有员工都经过专业培训,得力可靠,易于管理。疫情前,此店销售额超过50万,而人力成本仅占23%。疫情期间,店内销售保持稳定,目前大量在线订单,可保证稳定持续经营。
  i: h: j+ Z" Z3 n3 H: p2 ]+ p7 [& e4 _9 a* h8 t' P1 {
. I- \1 L- s& }; B( L
, E% j% Y) r+ K# W& K$ Z% k是时候自己做老板!欢迎预约看店,机不可失!
* h- P( B/ F7 u1 K7 p5 L7 M6 G( L& \% }" V/ D+ [, |6 G
1. this is definitely the golden location everyone wants to get in, easy accesss to schools, hospital, residence, business, hotels, oil&gas companies, and many more other great enterprises.! n6 r  n+ S& O1 C! ~4 {9 }, D% x

9 k) N' q/ V( A( H; `0 S% Z. k% y2. great property management team will assist you solve the problems for you.$ v; V2 i, U6 C$ w! D) N
! ?/ S6 Z' m9 N+ ?* f. {$ A+ q  P
3. this store has been serving sherwood park residents and business since 2012, great reputation, and lots of regular customers and repeating clientele of catering orders, they deliver school hot lunch orders to almosy all the elementary schools in sherwood park
  ?% \& k* Q& }9 n0 d) ~2 X
0 J$ K7 u; j4 E; Z$ m- ~4. all staff are well trained, they are self sufficient and able to handle big orders 5 h6 m/ a  V& X. o9 F

  a# n* Z6 C, X6 F5 w5. store is in great shape, many upgrades, brand new air conditioner and HVAC SYSTEM, upgraded security camera system, all equipments are running well, store is always clean 5 y& Q# X0 E9 v% l+ h+ [

5 W+ {% w4 g% z$ U6. store sales has been consistent during covid19, lots of online orders and deliveries ' H5 `* y0 K$ g) I$ D; V

3 u! `6 G$ q( B. r0 d7. this store generate over half million sales before covid19, labor cost is only 23%
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: k% H  Y' ^* G* l8 ]+ H5 l/ u
$ @2 {. \: I+ E3 _: a' o
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