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[爱城新闻] 六十位朋友纪念EDMONTON公车上被打致死受害者

鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-11 21:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
大约六十位 Stefan Conley的朋友这周五(3.10)聚集在一个PIZZA店纪念死去的好友,并试图用此举动另他公开场合下被惨打导致的死亡有意义.% b1 b, m5 S: C2 x  L8 Q+ C
; B# i+ z9 G( @+ N9 D' R3 {: B
  Conley,35, 于3月2日在公交车上被惨打致死.四个肇事青少年被判一般杀人罪.6 J" X" ^. t8 e5 ~
; @+ ?$ h6 J" p6 W% K( n% V
  Conley的死引起了公众的义愤, 也使警察开始重新考虑他们对紧急事件的反应.(这次事故他们半小时之后才有所反应.)
  K" @: ?- W+ A
0 {* l8 W: {  m( H( d/ R% A  在Chicago Joe's Pizza and Pub工作的 Stasha Bodnar说中午来他们饭店纪念的人群显然不能很好的控制情绪.; Z  f; {" P% O* ^# A

0 c+ y) D7 e1 t9 Z) ~" V9 Z  "他们都很愤怒.这种时候人们会有不同的方法表达他们的哀伤.他的朋友有很多人都很愤怒."7 w' F( ]1 h9 a( V3 R+ M. s

1 f( }: M2 H8 v* d" R: s  其中一个朋友,自称Veronica,说她很难理解为什么当时公交车上那么多乘客没有一个上前帮忙., r- ^' g# ~# n
$ b) L- }: s' P# `5 [2 O6 m) E2 J
3 q& S5 j8 v. D7 A; ?9 N5 J* r: I' m: Q+ k5 N
  一个19岁的男性乘客说他和他的朋友们被不公平的责怪,他当时太害怕了不敢试图停止这个事故.# t- W% D9 z/ Z5 W
1 L1 D- T' m  L2 p# P
  b8 O3 ~0 c0 N. U( p& Q# A! t
/ g! u* [+ B# }) }3 H2 N# s! J% @+ r: A8 C  e9 f9 ~
  他们的保释申请被延迟,等待周一检举人从警察那里得到更多消息.+ Z7 q, \2 t" h# D
9 z: b: {% B: {" z8 l: ]0 j0 o' t
# E7 M. O8 T. ^8 M3 C
0 t  j5 ^" a& d& M/ A1 Q  他说看着被告感情非常复杂.
4 o: A/ v; P" U, ~
: \2 M  f% z1 l9 B  C9 h  "在座位里安静的坐着非常难.直到现在被告还是无辜的直到有足够证据."
. r4 t3 O/ Y/ S3 a. b- N3 N* ~
  F# t1 O7 B3 N7 `6 c2 q/ {  Conley,在魁北克长大,无年前从安省搬到爱城,根据报告他在公车上和一群青少年吵了起来.
% f2 {& x# h; c' Y7 Y+ k依据申述这群青少年然后就开始打他.晚些时候他死在了医院.死因是严重外伤.
* r" f& a: T  ~8 H8 h3 x' V, t1 J+ v: Y; y
  警察说用了很久他们才了解到当时的真实情况.( L/ S3 y" ~, M
8 F% j/ a# t; c& z$ V# V* D
! t/ R& {* g6 e; Z7 e+ V! z
8 E3 p+ W- W* g( A# f& M' j2 Y# H; b[ 本帖最后由 晓晓晓晓 于 2006-3-11 20:35 编辑 ]
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-11 21:36 | 显示全部楼层
EDMONTON (CP) - About 60 friends of Stefan Conley gathered Friday at a pizza restaurant to honour the friend they knew as Wil and to try to make sense of his violent, public death. 2 x9 D4 m; ?. m  m$ h- q; g$ \

8 w% M* ?3 T& f4 f* mADVERTISEMENT0 [# [1 N$ A1 A8 M+ j2 o, Q8 H( \! b
+ E. D! _+ Z, k* O7 YConley, 35, died March 2 after he was severely beaten on a city transit bus. The four teens charged with manslaughter in the case appeared in a packed courtroom Friday and had their bail application put over.! }) ^# A  `9 d3 a2 V
7 ?+ ]: ]; x& k0 o) d; F
Conley's case sparked public outrage and prompted police to re-think its emergency response after it was learned it took officers a half-hour to respond to the attack.$ ~1 n3 Z/ d& b/ v7 e8 z- c
9 b- p+ Q" k! e# b: A( e8 W: x
The noon-hour crowd at Chicago Joe's Pizza and Pub had trouble containing their emotions Friday, said Stasha Bodnar, who worked karaoke with Conley at another club.2 \# _8 c; n/ v, \1 T! S

' a& e. W" y% c# I- M9 t0 Y5 q"There's a lot of anger. In times like this people have different ways of dealing with their grief and there's a lot of anger from all of those friends.": h; ~/ H2 e9 a
. t+ s$ t  u" Q+ x3 R  p
Another friend, who would only give her name as Veronica, said she struggles to understand why none of the other passengers on the bus came to his aid.
1 a. w: O' p. k
' Q# `1 i. n1 Z0 ]" g( a# A"I couldn't just stand back and watch someone else get beat to death, but that's me. I don't know what's going through their heads at the time and we can't blame them.": Z. K9 J$ W; ^. Y; d3 `, r9 ~$ P

+ W; I0 m" E7 M* _  j2 N' zA 19-year-old male passenger who was on the bus has said he and his fellow riders are being unfairly criticized, and that he was too frightened to jump in and try to stop the attack." i" f9 x4 \5 g) p2 Q+ R( N
4 B  J. j+ w! s( F9 K7 D
In the afternoon, 100 people - family and friends of both the accused and Conley - jammed a downtown courtroom for the bail hearing.
4 N% |' T+ y7 q3 Y, ^* f# V
5 N9 y! ~  s4 I# s$ X( KThe four were shackled and sat quietly in the prisoners' dock. One is 16 years old and the other three are 17.$ V! R0 z7 y% f1 [, S" D

% l( v* @  x& x/ bTheir application was put over until Monday after the Crown prosecutor asked for time to get more information from police.+ l1 ~; I" h; x8 O1 F
. g; k; |# o& c* V+ b. p) x  c
Among those in the gallery was Stefan's father, Steve, who had driven to Edmonton from his home in Apsley, Ont., along with his son, Scott.
7 O% }$ v4 k6 W# ^: f6 E' ]* C9 J) D6 P2 Y* a
He said it was hard to look at the accused., n$ v; @! k$ k7 S; w8 ^

, B8 s, ?: X, F$ }"It was very difficult to stay in my seat," he said. "At the same time, as our system works, they are still innocent until proven guilty."7 g! D5 v, S% y4 w9 _2 e# i$ k

# [0 Z& \' g5 u' ^7 KConley, who grew up in Cookshire, Que., and moved to Edmonton five years ago from Hamilton, Ont., was a passenger on the bus when he reportedly got into an argument with a group of teens.
( o0 g7 m- g8 E8 w. q9 F
; `0 U) K1 h; l+ {8 WThe group then allegedly turned on him and beat and kicked him. He died later in hospital. An autopsy listed the cause as blunt force trauma.7 `' J4 R% G7 T" D# B, a
/ k' q3 v) _  \* n; P7 [
Edmonton police Chief Mike Boyd has said it took too long for police to reach the scene.9 C0 c' E0 o! n! ^8 S* w

- y9 n/ d2 X8 I4 f0 s2 s9 z8 JHe said police are changing how their cruisers are dispatched. One patrol unit in each district will now be available to respond to a priority call.
$ Z. Q: O/ J$ A2 Q0 |0 T+ _# S, _% k% ]6 z/ g; r
Stefan Conley is to be cremated and his ashes buried next to his mother in Cookshire.
鲜花(49) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-12 00:58 | 显示全部楼层
乘客的反应是社会教导的结果。; i6 y& r! w; W7 X) w
鲜花(0) 鸡蛋(0)
发表于 2006-3-15 11:43 | 显示全部楼层
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