CSSC-MacEwan 发表于 2008-8-19 09:00


Asia Pacific Management gives you choices.

With an Asia Pacific Management diploma, you'll be qualified to work in international business in just two years and you'll still have the opportunity to apply the diploma toward a university degree. It's a great way to keep your future options open while you gain valuable overseas work experience.

What makes this program one-of-a-kind?

A key feature is the overseas practicum: a minimum, six-week work placement inAsia.Program staff will help you find the right practicum placement for your skills and interests, and when you're finished, you can start your career or pursue a university degree.

It's the ultimate international business education!

Also, research project proposals are welcome.

For interest in admission or research project, pls contact: Dr. William Wei, Chair, Asia Pacific Management Program, Email: weix@macewan.ca

[ 本帖最后由 CSSC-MacEwan 于 2008-8-19 10:18 编辑 ]
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